Hope Woods, 72 acres of forest and meadows located in downtown Kennebunk behind Hope Cemetery, features two miles of walking trails available for public enjoyment year-round, including a 0.8-mile Accessible Trail. A parking lot at the trailhead is available when Hope Cemetery is open (from May to November). Hope Woods is also a significant ecological treasure, known to be home to a diversity of wildlife and notable natural features.
In 2019, a conservation easement was placed on Hope Woods, preserving the Woods for future generations. The easement is held by Kennebunk Land Trust, the property is owned by Hope Cemetery Corporation, and the property is maintained and managed by Friends of Hope Cemetery & Woods.
click the map to enlarge
Driving directions: Hope Woods is located behind Hope Cemetery on Hope Trail Lane in Kennebunk, which can be accessed by vehicle from Barnard Lane.
Parking: is available at the trail head when Hope Cemetery is open (May to November), including parking for an accessible van.
Trailhead Kiosk: has trail updates, a large trail map, and trail brochures
Bench: is available at trailhead
There are no toilet facilities on site.
Alternative entrances: trails can be accessed on foot from Woodhaven Drive, Wood Pond Lane, and Fletcher Street.
Accessible Trail (Green Trail): 0.8 miles long, 5 feet wide at all points, compacted gravel surface, maximum slope of 5%, no materials protruding > 0.5 inch, bridge with railing and no gap > 0.5 inches. Benches at the trailhead, entrance to the meadow, and intersection with the pink trail.
Pink Trail: 0.1-mile cutoff portion of the Accessible Trail System allowing for a shorter Accessible Trail experience (total 0.5 miles). Compacted gravel surface, 5 feet wide, maximum slope of 5%, no materials protruding > 0.5 inch, bench at southern intersection with Accessible Trail.
Blue Trail: 015 miles long, varied widths < 5 feet wide, uneven natural surface with roots protruding >0.5 inches. Slope maximum 5%.
Black Trail: 0.48 miles long, varied widths < 5 feet, uneven natural surface with tree roots protruding > 0.5 inches, includes steep inclined portion with slope > 5%.
Yellow Trail: 0.48 miles long, varied widths < 5 feet wide, uneven natural surface with root protruding >0.5 inches. Contains sections with slope > 5%.
Red Trail: 0.21 miles long, varied widths < 5 feet, uneven natural surface with numerous areas containing roots protruding up to 4 inches above trail surface. …
The creation of the Accessible Trail was an integral part of the conservation plan from the very beginning. As soon as the conservation easement was in place, the Friends moved forward. The route was determined, and funding was secured through a State of Maine program.
A local contractor was hired for the project and work began in August 2020. The contractor, together with many hours of volunteer help from the Friends, local citizens, and volunteers from Kennebunk Savings, built the Trail very quickly. The finishing touches, including installation of a kiosk at the trail head, were completed in Spring 2021.
This trail goes through many different habitats, is wider than required to allow for ease of passage, and its construction only required taking down one tree (with a diameter of six inches).
Emergency Response System: Each of the signposts, which are located at trail intersections and have a map stating “You Are Here,” also have a red oval marker with a number on it. This is the Hope Woods Emergency Response System. If you need assistance, dial 911, give the number of the closest post, and the Town’s emergency responders will be able to find you.
Closest Hospital: is Southern Maine Health Care at 1 Medical Center Drive in Biddeford
Cell Service: is typically available
If you have any additional questions, please contact us at friendsofhcw@gmail.com
Scroll down for trail rules.
Monthly guided walks, led by Maine Master Naturalist Gordon Collins (President of Friends of Hope Cemetery & Woods), are offered May through November. Please check our calendar for more information.
Private guided walks are available on a limited basis. Please call 207-387-9100 or email friendsofhcw@gmail.com for more information.
The Stewardship Committee of the Friends has an active ongoing program to deal with the large number of exotic invasive plants found in Hope Woods. This program will attempt to control the further spread of these plants, as their total eradication is not possible. A large number of Norway maples have been removed. Oriental bittersweet and glossy buck thorn are two of the plants being targeted at this time with a combination of mowing and spraying with horticultural vinegar. Great care is being given not to harm the plants we want to thrive.
Please respect the trails in Hope Woods by adhering to the Trail Rules:
Stay on marked trails.
Do not trespass on private property.
Control your pets by leash or effective voice control.
Clean up after your pets.
Note that pets in the cemetery must be leashed (or in a vehicle).
Take only pictures, leave only footprints.
Respect wildlife.
No horses, electric bikes, or motorized vehicles allowed.
If you use a motorized device as a mobility aid, please operate at a safe speed.
Trails are open from dawn until dusk.